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John Calvin

Background: John Calvin was a French Theologian born July 10 th , 1509 in Picardy France. While continuing his education at the University of Orléans, John Calvin joined the cause of the Reformation. Calvin played a huge role in the Reformation and was the leading French Protestant reformer. In fact, he founded his own religion during this time, known as Calvinism. While living Geneva, Calvin created a text where he preached his theological (religious) beliefs. However, in his brief time living in Geneva, Protestant authorities expelled him in 1538. But, was welcomed back in 1541 soon after his return from Germany. Upon his return to Geneva, John Calvin, established a religious government and also received complete supremacy as a leader in Geneva.  Geneva: Geneva location during Reformation period. As mentioned in the Background section of this blog, Calvin spent much time in Geneva. Although the first period of time he spent there was b...
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